Developing a stakeholder vision for Charting the path to a healthy planet: Who can and should do what?
Small group workshops. Participants are free to move around and contribute to several table discussions. The inputs collected during the session will feed into the EEB’s EGD and EU Presidency advocacy work.
Charting the path to a healthy planet: Visions for change
1. Address the climate emergency to ensure a safe operating space
2. Invest in biodiversity and the resilience of our ecosystems
3. Initiate a transition towards sustainable food and agriculture
4. Embrace and implement Zero Pollution Ambition (Air, Water, Noise, Light)
5. Promote a non-toxic environment that protects our immune systems (Chemicals, Mercury)
6. Towards a zero-pollution circular economy
7. Towards a zero-pollution industry
8. Prioritise a wellbeing economy
9. Ensure democratic and accountable governance and environmental rights
10. Leading on multilateralism to strengthen international environmental protections
Guiding questions:
1. What is your vision for needed future change / what objectives should we embrace? – e.g. for youth: what type of world do you want to inherit and what do you want the incumbents to do
2. What practical policy change is needed? e.g. where can past success inspire? Where can one lead by example?
3. What system change is needed for a sustainable future – what lock-ins are still plaguing us?
4. Who should do what on the path to a healthy planet – what is essential to implement at local, regionally, nationally, at EU and/or internationally?