SESSION TWO – Charting the Path to a Healthy Planet – Visions for Change

Introductory speech and conversation setting the scene for the visions for change:

Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, WHO

Moderator: Patrick ten Brink, EEB EU Policy Director


Guiding questions:

What lessons can we learn from the Covid crisis?

Should health and wellbeing play a bigger role in EU and national policies?

How are nature, pollution, climate connected to health and wellbeing?
• e.g. IPBES evidence shows that destruction of nature increased risk of zoonoses.
• Air pollution shown to drive cancer, early onset dementia, lower birth weights and cranial capacities…
• Chemicals linked to cancer, endocrine disruption – POPs, EDCs….
• Mercury legacy and risks
• Growing evidence of fertility decline
• etc

What type of change do we need for policies and actions – where is system change essential and what are practical policy measures?

How should the European Green Deal evolve to embrace one health one welfare vision and the fact that immune systems, ecosystems, social systems and economic actions are all connected?

What would the expectations be for the political leaders?

Location: Date: October 11, 2021 Time: 9:40 am - 10:10 am Maria Neira Patrick ten Brink